
1. A govt company is any company in which the paid up capital held by the govt is not less than ;


2. Centralized control in MNC implies control exercised by ;


3. PSEs are organisation owned by ;


4. Reconstruction of sick public sector units is taken up by ;


5. Disinvestment of PSFs implies ;


6. Which of the following enterprise is formed as a part of govt and does not has separate legal entity ?


7. Partnership between any two firms is called as ;


8. Partnership between private sector firms and a public sector is called ;


9. Which of the following enterprise formed by passing a special Act in parliament ?


10. The govt companies buy shares in whose name ;


11. Private Ltd. company comes under which sector ?


12. Which company operate more than one country/nation ?


13. When utmost secrecy is required which public sector enterprise is suitable ?


14. How power and objectives of public corporation defined ?


15. ‘MGTRO’ is which form of enterprise ;


Question 1 of 15