
1. Which of the following are the objectives of govt budget ?


2. Which of the following is a non tax receipt ?


3. Progressive tax is a tax which is ;


4. Revenue earned by the govt from the property without any legal heir called ;


5. A tax, the burden of which can be shifted on to others, is called ;


6. Tax, the impact of which lies on the person on whom it is legally imposed, is known as ;


7. Which of the following is an indirect tax ?


8. Which of the following is a direct tax ?


9. Tax that is imposed on value added at the various stages of production is known as ;


10. Gift tax is a paper tax because ;


11. Which of the following is not a non tax receipt ?


12. Which of the following is a part of the revenue expenditure in the Indian govt budget ?


13. Capital receipt is that receipt of the govt which ;


14. Capital receipt is that receipt of the govt which ;


15. Which of the following are capital receipt of the govt ?


16. Capital expenditure is that estimated expenditure of the govt by which ;


Question 1 of 16